
How Often Should You Replace Your Sewing Machine?

27th Jul 2021

How Often Should You Replace Your Sewing Machine?

So your old sewing machine is slowing you down, and you have to decide whether to fix it or get a new one. Every sewer faces this dilemma eventually. There's no set timing regarding how often you should replace your sewing machine.

In this article, we'll discuss how often sewers should replace their sewing machines and some warning signs that a replacement may be needed soon. We’ll also cover features and specifications to look for when you’re ready to replace your machine. Feel free to jump to the section that is most relevant to your situation:

●Signs That It's Time for a New Sewing Machine

●What to Look for in a Replacement Sewing Machine

Signs That It's Time for a New Sewing Machine

Unlike foodstuffs, sewing machines don't expire after a set amount of time. To know when it's time to replace your sewing machine, you have to keep an eye out for certain signs that it is nearing the end of its life. Here are three signs that it might be time to replace your sewing machine.

  1. Post-warranty breakdowns – Most sewing machines come with generous warranties. Whether that be a 10-year mechanical warranty from Janome or a two-year electrical warranty from Juki, these warranties serve as an excellent benchmark for determining whether you need repairs or replacements. In general, any major breakdown or mechanical error your machine suffers after its warranty has expired will likely necessitate replacement.

In some ways, it helps to think of it a bit like a vehicle. If your car is brand new and something goes wrong, it makes sense to fix it. But if you've had your car for 20 years and the transmission goes out, you'll probably spend more money fixing it than the car is actually worth.

  1. Poor project execution – A sewer, quilter, or embroiderer needs to ensure that they're always producing the best work possible. When a sewing machine reaches the end of its lifespan, you may notice that it's ruining more projects than it is creating. Usually these errors are caused by mechanical issues in the machine, but they could also be a result of electrical issues or general wear and tear.

Regardless of what is causing the issue, if you can't trust your machine to produce projects the way you envisioned, then it's probably time to look for an upgrade or replacement.

  1. Limiting your abilities – Not all replacements come from mechanical issues or age. Sometimes your skill as a sewer will begin to outpace the capabilities of your machine. This is especially common when working with a beginner-level sewing machine. If you feel like you need more features, or get the sense that your machine is holding you back, it's probably time to upgrade. If the machine is still in good condition, you could pass it on to a friend or even sell it, which may help to alleviate the cost of a new machine.

What to Look for in a Replacement Sewing Machine

Replacing your sewing machine doesn’t mean that you have to buy the exact same machine again. You can upgrade to something newer, nicer, and more feature-rich. Once you've decided that it's time to get a new machine, ask yourself the following questions before upgrading.

  1. Does the machine have the specialization you need? – Sewers often discover a specialization that they prefer such as quilting or embroidering. You may even prefer to have a machine with a wide range of general capabilities. Whatever the case, make absolutely sure that the machine you purchase can tackle the crafts that you want to do most.
  2. Does the machine have more features than the one it is replacing? – Since you already have to upgrade your machine, there's no sense in buying a machine with fewer features than the one you just retired. Take a good look through the list of features contained on the new sewing machine before you proceed to purchase. Some particular features that we recommend looking for are computerization, an auto-needle threader, and a one-step buttonhole.
  3. What is the warranty on the new machine? – It's no fun to buy a new machine and have something go wrong. While this is a rare occurrence, you want to make sure you're protected in case it happens to you. Make sure that your new purchase has a reasonable warranty or you could be stuck footing the bill for repairs or a new machine.

Replace Your Old Sewing Machine Today!

Now that you know how to identify a machine in need of replacement, you're ready to start looking for an upgrade. We have hundreds of incredible machines, and some are sure to fit your needs, no matter how specific. If you need help getting started, check out one of the articles below to identify the perfect machine for your needs.

Best Sewing Machine Upgrades for Experienced & Advanced Quilters

7 Beginner Friendly Sewing Machines

The Best Juki Sewing Machines for Every Type of Sewer

9 Sewing Machines that are Perfect for a First Upgrade