What Is a Serger Sewing Machine?

What Is a Serger Sewing Machine?

28th Jan 2022

What Is a Serger Sewing Machine Used For?

A serger sewing machine, also known as an overlock machine, is a useful piece of equipment to add to your sewing space. It will help you speed up your sewing process and produce beautiful, professional seam finishes.

A serger is not the same thing as a sewing machine and isn’t a replacement for one — but it is a great complement to the sewing machine you already have. Also known as an overlock machine, a serger sewing machine incorporates three important functions into one machine. These three functions include stitching the seam, trimming any additional leftover seam and providing a professional finish.

In this article, we will cover:

  • How is a serger different from a sewing machine?
  • What can you do with an overlock (serger)?
  • The best serger sewing machine brands
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about serger sewing machines

          Bernette Serger                                                      Janome Sewing Machine

How Is a Serger Different from a Sewing Machine?

While a serger does some of the same things as a sewing machine — it uses thread and needles to form stitches through fabric — it is not a sewing machine. It’s a distinct machine that functions differently from a standard sewing machine.

A serger sews only one stitch: the overlock stitch. There are many ways you can adjust this stitch on an overlock machine, but you won’t be able to do any other types of stiches on your serger. Your sewing machine, on the other hand, has a selection of stitches to choose from, such as a straight stitch, zigzag stitch, and many more.

Here are some of the other differences between an overlock machine and a sewing machine:

  • A serger cuts the fabric as you sew with a blade that sits to the right of needles. This helps you achieve a beautiful seam, with the raw edges fully encased in thread, but it won’t work for topstitching.
  • Sergers use 3 to 5 thread sources, whereas a sewing machine uses only two: a top thread and a bobbin thread.
  • A serger can use 1 or 2 needles at a time — a sewing machine can only use one needle. The (almost) exception to this would be a double needle for a sewing machine, but even a double needle has only one shank that attaches into the machine.
  • An overlock machine can sew much faster than most home sewing machines. You’ll be able to cruise through projects fast with a serger.

What Can You Do with An Overlock (Serger)

For a machine with only one possible stitch, an overlock machine is surprisingly versatile. Here are just a few of the great ways you can use a serger sewing machine.

  • Finish your seams. A serger will give you a beautiful seam finish (and do it quickly)!
  • Sew knitwear. The overlock stitch allows a seam to stretch, so a serger is the fastest way to sew knit garments since it can sew much more quickly than a regular sewing machine can sew a zigzag stitch. Sergers also trim away the excess fabric from your seam as you sew, resulting in knit seams that can stretch, look professional and not add bulk.
  • Create quick and easy gathering. Most sergers these days have a differential feed adjustment. By raising the differential feed on your overlock machine, it can create ruffles in the fabric since it’s not being fed evenly.
  • Create decorative hems, such as lettuce hems and elegant rolled hems.

Types of Overlock Machines

If you want to add this versatile machine to your sewing space, you will also want to consider the types of overlock machines available. The number of threads that the machine works with is the primary difference between the various machines on the market.

  • 2–4 thread serger: This type of serger can work with two, three or four threads at a time. This machine is versatile and has a lot of options, from a safety stitch to a four-thread overlock stitch. It can also sew a pretty two-thread rolled hem for lightweight and sheer fabrics.
  • 3–4 thread serger: These machines can sew either a three-thread overlock stitch or a four-thread overlock stitch for a nice, secure seam or seam finish.
  • 5 thread serger: This type of machine produces a very strong five-thread overlock stitch with two threads forming the straight seam and three forming the overlock stitch.

Best Serger Sewing Machine Brands

There are many different sewing machine brands that produce sergers — so what brands are the best choice? The two serger manufacturers we recommend most are Juki and Janome.


Juki has been in the business of manufacturing sewing machines since 1938, and they have built up a reputation for creating high-quality, well-made machines. Juki is known for producing machines with more of an industrial-type build, meaning their machines are very durable, powerful and heavy-duty. This is great when it comes to choosing a serger sewing machine, since you’ll want one that will last for years to come and that can power through thick fabrics.


Janome is one of the top sewing machine manufacturers and has been producing sewing machines since 1921. Janome’s machines are durable, long-lasting machines that are made with as many metal components as possible. This puts their machines on the heavier side, but they are very high-quality. Janome machines strike a great balance between durability and ease of use.

Now that you have a good understanding of what a serger sewing machine is and how it works, you can shop the best deals on serger sewing machine such as the Janome and Juki models that meet your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Serger Sewing Machines

Can you use a serger as a regular sewing machine?

No. Serger sewing machines have more specialized features, so you still need to use a traditional sewing machine for zippers, topstitching and buttonholes on your sewing projects.

What is a serger sewing machine good for?

A serger sewing machine is ideal for more complicated sewing projects and for finishing fabrics such as silk. Additionally, a serger sewing machine can also create complex finishes such as rolled hems, ruffles, cover stitches and a plethora of decorative stitches for clothing or apparel.

Why is a serger better than a sewing machine?

Standard sewing machines create straight stitches on a seam. On a serger sewing machine, those same stitches can be created with the option to sew different patterns of stitches on top of a straight seam and over the seam allowance.